Friday, July 26, 2013

Martha Stewart and Post-It Notes - Match made in heaven!

Today, I had a moment while doing errands to stop in at the dollar store and Staples. I found what I wanted.

And now I have my planner/day timer that will come with me where every I go.

So here we go... it's very very simple. I have lots of color, but nothing is color coded, I just like bright and cheery, although with 6 in the family, there is merit to color coding, I may just do that yet, but we'll see. It's adaptable.

My Martha Stewart Journal with Martha Stewart Repositional tabs
Here is the inside cover - with extra sticky notes. I couldn't find pastels, but these are vibrant and make me happy.

The next page, I printed at 60% scale a year at a glance calendar. It's actually quicker to grab the book to find a date than to find the calendar in my phone. Go figure.

This is my "to do" list. Anything that pops up, and since I seem to easily forget, I like to write things down. Now I have a spot for all those notes. I have the left as to do and the right as completed, some things are  repetitive, my daily list of chores, checking in to make appointments is a weekly thing, so end of day, I'll just transfer to the next day/week of tasks to do. 

Next is "This Week". Here it's divided into 6 columns, I bunched Sat/Sun together. I like the weekend together, my calendar of choice the weeks start on a Monday  Not ideal, but there is still lots of room.

This is laid out for next week, and it's a pretty quiet week...yay!! I am a little upset, my new black Bic Atlantis pens leak.. bringing them back.

Here is the "Next Week". Again a quiet week.

Then the next 2 pages are split, one is 3 Weeks, the other 4 weeks. These are busier weeks by the amount I've added.

Then I have the following sections:  Next Month, in 2 Months, Within 6 months. Someday - Maybe, and Wishlists.

There are still several pages. This will last me easily the year, or longer. I like to write on a note pad, and carry a larger post it one in my purse along with various sizes.

Still need to add my contact list. I'm taking it out of my phone, making a digital and print copy. I will glue it to the inside of the back cover, and a blank sheet to add things to. This way, when the phone crashes, and I do mean when, haven't had one that didn't, I'll have a current list to input once again. Or on those days when the phone is dead, or when I forget it at home, I will still have my contacts list at my finger tips.

Don't get me wrong, I love my technology. But so far it hasn't proven infallible. I need a back up.

There is still places to doodle when needed. I will still add sections as I find necessary. Probably a curriculum section, or a blog section, or websites to visit. never fails, we're out and some one raves about how wonderful something is. Now i have a place to keep it all :)

There is nothing fancy about this. I just think it works with how I work. I'm very flexible, I go with the flow. sticky notes are flexible, you can shift them where ever. I look forward to using this! Well, I already am, I'm curious how it will evolve.

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