Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What a find!

I've been staring with dread at my one book shelf. I don't like it, it's cluttered, it's overfull, we can't find anything on it.

As a result, the kids don't want to put things away, it's too difficult so the desk was becoming a catch all. It was driving dh and I C-R-A-Z-Y!

I was looking at buying a new shelf. Up for consideration was the Expedit shelves from Ikea. They recently lowered the price. But still, it was $80 I didn't really want to spend. Then Zellers advertised a similar style shelf for $40. Much better, but still, not really in the budget.  I was going to see if I could skim off the grocery budget for a few weeks and get the cash for it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's driving me CRAZY!

The school year is coming close to an end :) New curricula has started arriving and we'll soon be moving into the 'next year'.

However, I need to address some issues :(  My bookshelf drives me INSANE! Our family desk is overrun with paper.  Although I use my binder all the time, I still have issues with too many loose papers.  I don't have the right type of system yet. I'm closer than I was :) but not there yet.

I'm going to be searching for a solution. If anyone has a similar blogpost, I'd love to see it!

We don't have a school room. We use the dining area, we eat in the kitchen. I have 1 shelf, and really no room for another.  And we need to tackle this. It drives dh and I crazy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Fringe Benefit of Homeschooling

My second youngest is now 12!

I brought her and her 2 sisters plus 7 of her friends to her the pool today, and treated them to Dairy Queen afterward.

Two will be sleeping over, currently they are running around in the sunshine, YES, we finally have some sunshine! There is still mountains of snow, but it's beautiful out.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tracking or grading the kids work.

 Whether we have to report to the gov't with grades or not, I feel it is important to track what we are doing.

I use a large number of ebooks for our curriculum. The amount of paper can be deceiving as to how far we are progressing, so I like to have a chart handy. I like to know where we have to go, and where we've been. I don't grade everything. Religious studies, history, science for dd7 is simply being checked off.  Math, spelling, LA IS being graded as it gives me perspective on what she is retaining, where we need work.

Spring is coming!!!

I cleaned up our front yard planters yesterday. Along the house there is minimal snow, so I took off the winter decor I had still on them.  The earth in those planters is thawed, I'll soon be able to put flowers in! I'm so excited to see new life breathed into our yard after a long winter.

Won't that be a sight? 3 to 4 feet of snow and planters over flowing with blooms?

Preparing for spring got me thinking.