We started with Workboxes right from the beginning. Our lives are very busy, so the more organizational tools we can use to keep us on track, the better.
We have tried a couple things to use as workboxes.
I tried magazine holders. But many of our books didn't fit in the magazine holder, they had a tendency to tip as well. So that was scrapped.
We then moved on to try something like a pocket organizer. We used a binder with pocket dividers. It worked ok. It took little space, but we couldn't include text books, teacher guides, supplies. So better, but not the ticket for us.
I bit the bullet and got carts with drawers. I like to try and keep things tidy, I'm wondering if there is such a thing with homeschool. There is always a project happening! I had hoped to use Rubbermaid ones, for the clear drawers, but I couldn't get any locally. So I ended up with the scrapbook store types. They aren't perfect, as I couldn't get one in 12" width, but they work quite well over all. What I didn't realize, is that I'd have probably liked the 20 drawer as opposed to a 10, but space was an issue. This is working fine though. I have put 3 of our magazine holders on top to give us a couple extra boxes.

This was the first official school day of grade 2! She was so into it. She was nearly done at 10 am :) And we had 8 boxes!

She insisted she needed a school desk. It's so tiny, there just isn't enough room to hold a pencil box, so we adopt a kitchen chair to give her more work space by holding other things.

Over just a few days, our system has evolved a little bit. To what we are currently using. You can't see the velcro on our drawers because I found black at the dollar store that sticks awesomely! For $1 I'm getting 15 of each the hook and loop. Can't complain.
The boxes are working so well for dd6. Now to get into the groove for the older two. I have to admit, I haven't used the concept with them at all. They are using a school curriculum that wasn't handpicked by me, so I'm not familiar. I have to make time to do so.
The system is so customizable to make it work for no matter who you are! I really can't think of who it wouldn't work for. It is really just a way to focus your day and make it count. Less time wasted searching for something. It's there, in the box, ready to go. So much less stressful!
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